Monday, March 22, 2010

tsk....the american disease lingers

Well done Obama. Health reforms what what.... so he wanted to keep stupid people alive for longer and cheaper. And he succeeded just now. What brilliance. A clever president for the first time in many decades and that's how he wants to win votes for next time - gotta hand it to him.
The American mental health care system - and when I say mental health I really mean IQ, even though it's been proved to be culturally biased blah blah - is however, still rapidly declining. I just watched a masterful manifestation of the schizophrenia of modern-day America in the guise of a Hollywood movie called Julie and Julia. Could this Julie chick be MORE unoriginal, parasitic and bland? Could she be more opportunistic? Now, I understand raping every great artist in every known genre known-to-man in Hollywood, but this? Next thing some gormless idiot would be writing blogs about how you DONT understand the sport of cricket or being multi-lingual and an equally gormless Hollywood idiot would be making a movie about it.
The only blinding light peeking outside your dark, still-in-denial-that-China-runs-your-economy-cloud, is a series called House...oh, and a band called One Republic.

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